Zicron 1400 deg C
Water Based, Inorganic, Single Component Composite Adhesive. Bonding and Sealing Re-factory, Ceramic, Glass, Metal, Composites etc. Eco Friendly. No VOC Content. Non-Toxic. Stable up to 1400 °C in Air and Inert Atmosphere
Application procedure:
– Follow standard cleaning process to remove oil, grease, rust, etc.
– Sand blast the metal’s surface or clean with rough emery.
– Apply with brush or roller on the clean substrate, approximately 0.001mm in thickness.
– Air dry for 24 hours to remove water.
– Drying can be accelerated by heating gently.
– Slowly increase the temperature by 2°C per minute to 300°C or above for post curing
Areas of application:
High temperature exhaust system, thermal power plants, heat exchangers, boilers, boiler furnaces.