Apex Arc 22 Electrode
Austenitic ferritic electrode for high strength & crack resistance
Major applications:
For welding of high chromium – nickel steel, difficult and dissimilar steel and high strength armor steel. Applications include pressure vessels, earthmoving equipment’s dies, coil springs. Can be used as a buffer layer before hard facing and also for welding parts subjected to wear, heat, corrosion and impact
Alloy composition:
Fe, Cr, Ni, Mn
Mechanical properties:
UTS -750-850 n/Sq mm
Elong- 20-24%
Weld metal contains controlled grain structure with excellent crack resistance. Weldability and machinability are superior. It gives smooth arc and less spatter without any undercut
Short arc will give the best result. For welding of alloy and high carbon steel, preheat the job.
Welding current:
AC/DC (+)